Bawean Island is located between of Kalimantan and East Java. Bawean island is located in the 5404'-5046 'and 112030' LS-112 050' BT. In the administrative area, Bawean including Gresik, East Java Province. Bawean Island area topography is hilly, mountainous and bumpy. Slope between 5-75%. The island consists of two districts, yiatu Sangkapura with 17 villages and 13 village ponds. The population is 36 171 and 49 192 people in Pond Life at Sangkapura (District of Pond and Sangkapura in figures, 2011).
Bawean Island can be reached by fast boat Marine Express. The journey starts from the Port of Gresik to Bawean Island takes around 3 hours. Express Bahari ship departure schedule from the Port of Gresik to Bawean is on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Departure time is 09.00 pm boat. At 08.00 pm the passengers are required to have checked in at the port. Passengers are divided into three classes, namely VIP, Executive and Economy with a ticket price of about Rp. 140,000 - Rp. 180,000. While the Maritime Express fast boat schedule from Bawean Island to the Gresik is Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Hours of departure is at 09.00 am. An hour before departure diahurskan passengers already checked this in the Port of Bawean.

Kastoba Lake Mount Forest
Hutan Gunung Bawean Island, East Java
Research tree vegetation in Bawean Island Nature Reserve interesting to do. The location of the island between Borneo and Java shows that this area has a unique biogeography. This study aimed to obtain data on the floristic diversity of flora in Bawean Island Nature Reserve.
Bawean island is a small island in the north of the province of East Java is known to have a primary forest ecosystem and mountain rain forests are still natural. The existence of species Bawean Deer (Axis kuhlii) and the Red-bodied Swallowtail butterfly species coon sub.sp sangkapurae (Maurizio, 1992 and Vincen 2004) which is a species endemic to the island of Bawean can be one indicator of the high level of endemism and speciation genetic biodiversity of the island. Bawean Island Nature Reserve consists of two functions: a Sanctuary with an area of 3836.6 ha and a nature reserve with an area of 725 hectares (Minister of Agriculture, 1979). Regional topography and Wildlife Bawean Island Nature Reserve is a hilly, mountainous and bumpy. Slope between 5-75%. because of its mountainous location, each region have the name of the mountain itself. The height of the area ranges from 100-600 m above sea level. The observation altitude, is the highest peak in Lumut Mountain Forest is 687 m above sea level. Berdasalkan measurement result of environmental factors on forest area shows that the temperature range between 29-310C, and humidity ranges from 70-95%. The state of temperature and humidity, indicating that the various habitus plants can live in this forest. mountainous location makes each region have the name of the mountain itself. The observation altitude, is the highest peak in Lumut Mountain Forest is 572 m above sea level
Natural Resources Conservation Area divides the flora in Bawean in four categories: Woody Plants. Plant species include: Symplocos adenophylla, Eugenia lepidocarpa, Dracontomelon mangiferum, Nauclea sp, Radermachera gigantea, Canarium aspermum, Irvingia malayana, Calophyllum saigonense. Both are grasses that include: lantana camara, Gleichenia lenearis, Lygodium circinatum, Merremia peltata. The third is a secondary forest ecosystems whose contents are Ficus variegata, Ficus sp (Satiety-full), Anthocephalus indicus. Dalah final production forests: Tectona grandis and Swietenia microphylla. Forests in the area of debt divided Pualu Bawean Mount (Ahmad, 2011). Based on the type of forest habitat in the Bawean deer is divided into 4 types: primary forest, secondary forest, scrubland and teak forest mixed forest (Djuwantoko and Danang, 2005).
The mountainous location making each region have the name of the mountain itself. The height of the area ranges from 100-600 m above sea level. The observation altitude, is the highest peak in Lumut Mountain Forest is 572 m above sea level. Berdasalkan measurement result of environmental factors on forest area shows that the temperature ranges between 29-310C, soil pH ranged from 4.8 to 6.2, ranging between 70-95% humidity and light intensity ranging between 1020-93500 lux meter. The observations show that this type of forest in a nature reserve is lowland mountain forests. Daaran highest peak is the mountain moss forest with an altitude of 572 m above sea level.
Unit Plant Conservation Center Purwodadi Botanic Gardens as an ex-situ conservation of flora institutions, focusing conservation activities herbs berhabitat in lowland dry. In 2014 has carried out activities in the collecting and study of flora Bawean Island. The island is a unique area because the location of the island between Borneo and Java. Activities focused on collecting flora plant species that are new to the collection Purwodadi Botanical Gardens while the research activities carried out is an inventory of flora, vegetation analysis, carbon stocks, and the study of ethnobotany. For 9 days, inventory and research activities of the flora in the Nature Reserve and Wildlife Bawean. This activity is carried out by 12 people divided into two teams (Team I and Team II) with a total of 6 people per team personnel of his. Recorded about 118 numbers, 260 specimens consisting of 52 families that were collected by the first team and 79 numbers, 283 specimens consisting of 36 families were collected by Team II were collected from Bawean Island.
Tree species that are new to the Purwodadi Botanic Garden collection is Irvingia malayana, Fragaea fragans, Garcinia dioica, Garcinia parviflora. Some tree species have not been identified to species level As Myristica sp, Derris sp, Syzygium sp etc. Irvingia malayana have fruit favored by Axis kuhlii (deer endemic) in Bawean. This species also dominate the forest area. Type a new collection of bulbous plants such Tacca leontopetaloides, Amorphophallus muelleri, Amorphophallus blumeii. Type the root crops are collected material tuber. Other bulbous plant species is Dioscorea sp 3 types of material collected by bulbils (frog). Type collected herbs including Piper sp, Cissus javana, sp Alocasia, Colocasia sp, Begonia sp. Type Colocasia and Alocasia is also expected New collection for gardens Purwodadi. Types of ferns that were collected include Blechnum orientale, Angipteris evecta, Cyathea sp, sp Tectaria and two types of collection nail unknown type. Two types of Freitcinetia sp and Podocarpus sp types expected new collection for Purwodadi Botanical Gardens. Some plant collections already owned Botanical Purwodadi but because of the number only stay one collection or the collection does not come from Bawean Island and considered necessary addition to the collection of certain species, such as Ficus padana, Drypetes neglecta, Aglaia lawii, Orophea enneandra etc.
Bawean island is a small island in the north of the province of East Java is known to have a primary forest ecosystem and mountain rain forests are still natural. The existence of species Bawean Deer (Axis kuhlii) and the Red-bodied Swallowtail butterfly species coon sub.sp sangkapurae (Maurizio, 1992 and Vincen 2004) which is a species endemic to the island of Bawean can be one indicator of the high level of endemism and speciation genetic biodiversity of the island. Bawean Island Nature Reserve consists of two functions: a Sanctuary with an area of 3836.6 ha and a nature reserve with an area of 725 hectares (Minister of Agriculture, 1979). Regional topography and Wildlife Bawean Island Nature Reserve is a hilly, mountainous and bumpy. Slope between 5-75%. because of its mountainous location, each region have the name of the mountain itself. The height of the area ranges from 100-600 m above sea level. The observation altitude, is the highest peak in Lumut Mountain Forest is 687 m above sea level. Berdasalkan measurement result of environmental factors on forest area shows that the temperature range between 29-310C, and humidity ranges from 70-95%. The state of temperature and humidity, indicating that the various habitus plants can live in this forest. mountainous location makes each region have the name of the mountain itself. The observation altitude, is the highest peak in Lumut Mountain Forest is 572 m above sea level
Natural Resources Conservation Area divides the flora in Bawean in four categories: Woody Plants. Plant species include: Symplocos adenophylla, Eugenia lepidocarpa, Dracontomelon mangiferum, Nauclea sp, Radermachera gigantea, Canarium aspermum, Irvingia malayana, Calophyllum saigonense. Both are grasses that include: lantana camara, Gleichenia lenearis, Lygodium circinatum, Merremia peltata. The third is a secondary forest ecosystems whose contents are Ficus variegata, Ficus sp (Satiety-full), Anthocephalus indicus. Dalah final production forests: Tectona grandis and Swietenia microphylla. Forests in the area of debt divided Pualu Bawean Mount (Ahmad, 2011). Based on the type of forest habitat in the Bawean deer is divided into 4 types: primary forest, secondary forest, scrubland and teak forest mixed forest (Djuwantoko and Danang, 2005).
The mountainous location making each region have the name of the mountain itself. The height of the area ranges from 100-600 m above sea level. The observation altitude, is the highest peak in Lumut Mountain Forest is 572 m above sea level. Berdasalkan measurement result of environmental factors on forest area shows that the temperature ranges between 29-310C, soil pH ranged from 4.8 to 6.2, ranging between 70-95% humidity and light intensity ranging between 1020-93500 lux meter. The observations show that this type of forest in a nature reserve is lowland mountain forests. Daaran highest peak is the mountain moss forest with an altitude of 572 m above sea level.
Unit Plant Conservation Center Purwodadi Botanic Gardens as an ex-situ conservation of flora institutions, focusing conservation activities herbs berhabitat in lowland dry. In 2014 has carried out activities in the collecting and study of flora Bawean Island. The island is a unique area because the location of the island between Borneo and Java. Activities focused on collecting flora plant species that are new to the collection Purwodadi Botanical Gardens while the research activities carried out is an inventory of flora, vegetation analysis, carbon stocks, and the study of ethnobotany. For 9 days, inventory and research activities of the flora in the Nature Reserve and Wildlife Bawean. This activity is carried out by 12 people divided into two teams (Team I and Team II) with a total of 6 people per team personnel of his. Recorded about 118 numbers, 260 specimens consisting of 52 families that were collected by the first team and 79 numbers, 283 specimens consisting of 36 families were collected by Team II were collected from Bawean Island.
Tree species that are new to the Purwodadi Botanic Garden collection is Irvingia malayana, Fragaea fragans, Garcinia dioica, Garcinia parviflora. Some tree species have not been identified to species level As Myristica sp, Derris sp, Syzygium sp etc. Irvingia malayana have fruit favored by Axis kuhlii (deer endemic) in Bawean. This species also dominate the forest area. Type a new collection of bulbous plants such Tacca leontopetaloides, Amorphophallus muelleri, Amorphophallus blumeii. Type the root crops are collected material tuber. Other bulbous plant species is Dioscorea sp 3 types of material collected by bulbils (frog). Type collected herbs including Piper sp, Cissus javana, sp Alocasia, Colocasia sp, Begonia sp. Type Colocasia and Alocasia is also expected New collection for gardens Purwodadi. Types of ferns that were collected include Blechnum orientale, Angipteris evecta, Cyathea sp, sp Tectaria and two types of collection nail unknown type. Two types of Freitcinetia sp and Podocarpus sp types expected new collection for Purwodadi Botanical Gardens. Some plant collections already owned Botanical Purwodadi but because of the number only stay one collection or the collection does not come from Bawean Island and considered necessary addition to the collection of certain species, such as Ficus padana, Drypetes neglecta, Aglaia lawii, Orophea enneandra etc.
Flora Collection in Bawean Island
Me and Team in Lumut Mount Forest
Hoya Collection and orchid on the island of Bawean is also quite diverse. Collected about 4 numbers Hoya. and the some kind of Dischidia. Orchid collection consists of two groups: the epiphytic orchids or orchid that lives by attaching to other trees or orchids and terrestrial orchids that live in soil. Types of ground orchids that were collected include Nervilia aragoana, Habenaria sp and Nervilia sp. Types of ground orchids collected with the soil for several species of orchids in symbiosis with soil microbes in the soil. Epiphytic orchid species that were collected include Aerides odorata, Cymbidium aloifolium, Dendrobium bracteosum, Rhynchostylis retusa, Taeniophyllum bicuspidatum, Bulbophyllum and Phalaenopsis amabilis condylobulbon. Unidentified species of orchids are Malaxis sp, Dendrobium sp, sp Geodorum, Eria sp. The presence of epiphytic orchids and orchid soil in the area of the nature reserve and wildlife refuges Bawean Island is quite diverse. The inventory results illustrate how rich diversity of flora that we have. Through the study of this flora inventory, it was composed of scientific documentation and data related Bioresources diversity of plants in the island of Bawean. These activities also played a role in protecting and saving the Indonesian Biodiversity is an asset of the present and future of the nation